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Manage EmployeesManage Employees
Managing the actions of employees is a critical component of running a business. Knowing what to do with regards to hiring, motivating, directing, reprimanding, and even firing an employee is information a business owner should know.
- Writing Effective Job Descriptions
A job description describes the major areas of an employee's job or position. A good job description begins with a careful analysis of the important facts about a job, such as the individual tasks involved, the methods used to complete the tasks, the purpose and responsibilities of the job, the relationship of the job to other jobs, and the qualifications needed for the job.
- Employees vs. Contractors: What's The Difference?
Whether a person is an independent contractor or an employee generally depends on the amount of control exercised by the employer over the work being done. Dictating how a job is to be done or limiting the actions of the worker may establish an employer-employee relationship.
- The Interview Process: How To Select The Right Person
How do you select the right person for your business? There is no perfect answer, but the interview process can be a tremendous help if you use it effectively. In other words, you must have completed all of the other steps in the hiring process in order to get the most out of the interview process. Interviewing candidates for a position within your company is one of the final steps in the hiring process.
- When Potential Employees Lie
When you receive a resume or job application, how can you be sure the applicant is telling the truth?
- Immigration FAQs
Answers to common questions about immigration.
- National Labor Relations Board FAQs
Answers to frequent questions regarding the National Labor Relations Board.
- Hiring Employees FAQs
Answers to commonly asked questions about hiring employees.